
Loser How I know Loser
Jim Klossner Former donut addict, switched to celery.
Mike Glasser AKA Glock boy.
Paul Erkilla net.god.not.html.god
Erica Erkilla Paul's wife, rodent fanatic, electrocution expert
Chris DiClerico Ex Co-Worker, should be one of the Jerky Boys, or just shot.
Alex Cordova Another Co-Worker, see if you can find his HAPPY page
Xavier Riley Da X-man, He actually thinks macs are cool!
David Gower Angry German-speaking co-worker, keep him away from Jack Daniels
Steve Gallway Still waiting for the official "girls who want steve" night to happen at the bar.
Mike Henson Another MAC loser.
Sarah Wilkins Sexy NYC girl, see DARKNESS

Copyright © 1995,1996 Darren Kemp